A Century After His Exile, Unamuno Receives Doctorate Honoris Causa

The University of Salamanca pays tribute to Miguel de Unamuno by awarding him the honorary doctorate posthumously, one hundred years after his exile to Fuerteventura. The ceremony, which will take place this Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. in the Paraninfo, will be attended by three of the writer’s grandchildren.

A Ceremony with Novelties

Unlike the traditional ceremony, the laudatio will be delivered by one of Unamuno’s grandsons, Pablo de Unamuno, while the attributes of the doctorate will be received by Salomé and Miguel de Unamuno Adarraga, two of the last grandchildren that the writer knew.

Recognition of an Exceptional Figure

The Claustro de Doctores of the University of Salamanca approved in December the granting of the doctorate honoris causa to Miguel de Unamuno, with the aim of repairing the injustice of the exile he suffered in 1923 by the military directory.

A Legacy of Commitment and Freedom

Pablo de Unamuno, the writer’s grandson and godfather of the event, has highlighted the importance of this recognition as “redress for the unjust punishment he suffered.” His defense of the candidacy was based on Unamuno’s academic merits, his political and social commitment, and his literary career.

A Tribute in Three Acts

Prior to the ceremony in the Paraninfo, a commemorative Vitor will be unveiled, which will be attended by the three grandchildren, the rector Ricardo Rivero, the president of the Junta Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, and the mayor of Salamanca Carlos García Carbayo.

In addition, the Ministry of Culture will deliver to the University of Salamanca, for its deposit in the Casa-Museo Unamuno, the ‘Title of Citizen of Honor of the Republic’ and the band with the insignia of the Order of the Republic, granted to the writer.

A Century Later, Unamuno’s Memory Lives On

This posthumous tribute is a recognition of the figure of Miguel de Unamuno, an intellectual committed to freedom, justice, and truth, whose legacy continues to inspire new generations.

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José Carlos Bermejo
José Carlos Bermejo. Madrid, November 1971. Writer. Graduated in Political Science and Sociology, he has collaborated in different media, traditional and digital. He is the author of the novels WILDE ENCADENADO (prologue Luis Antonio de Villena), and the thriller Li es un INFINITO de Secretos . He also from the short story books Retazos de un mundo IMperfecto . and Pieces of an INcoherent world . And The detective and the woman: A tribute to Charles Bukowski + info: www.josecarlosbermejo.com

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