The Dictatorship of the Empty Like: Do “Likes” on X Matter if Nobody Actually Sees You? In the world of X (formerly Twitter, almost needless to say), attention is a currency as volatile as Bitcoin. They say that the obsession with “Likes” has become a social disease. But, getting to the heart of the matter: […]
La dictadura del like vacío: ¿Importan los “Me Gusta” en X si nadie realmente te ve? En el mundo de X (antes Twitter, ya casi sobra decirlo), la atención es una moneda de cambio tan volátil como el Bitcoin. Se dice por ahí que la obsesión por los “Me Gusta” se ha convertido en una […]
Read this post in spanish In the fast-paced world of social media, attention is the most valuable currency. Two giants are engaged in an epic battle to capture that attention in the short-form format: YouTube Shorts and TikTok. Both platforms offer short, addictive videos, but their features, algorithms, and audiences differ significantly. Which is the […]
Lee este post en inglés En el vertiginoso mundo de las redes sociales, la atención es la moneda más valiosa. Dos gigantes se enfrentan en una batalla épica por capturar esa atención en el formato corto: YouTube Shorts y TikTok. Ambas plataformas ofrecen videos breves y adictivos, pero sus características, algoritmos y audiencias difieren significativamente. […]
Read this post in Spanish In an ever-evolving world, especially on YouTube, a trend is rapidly gaining ground: long-form live streams. Far from short and concise broadcasts, more and more creators are experimenting with live streams that last for hours, even days. But why is this trend taking off? And how can you leverage it […]
Read this post in English En un mundo en constante evolución, y más en el de YouTube, una tendencia está ganando terreno a pasos agigantados: los directos de larga duración. Lejos de las transmisiones cortas y concisas, cada vez más creadores están experimentando con directos que duran horas, incluso días. Pero, ¿Por qué esta tendencia […]
Lee este post en inglés Si disfrutas del contenido de un canal de YouTube, ¡suscribirte y activar la campanita es clave para no perderte nada! A primera vista, puede parecer un simple gesto, pero en realidad, tiene un impacto significativo tanto para ti como para el creador del contenido. Y para el canal, ¡es la diferencia […]
Read this post in spanish If you enjoy a YouTube channel’s content, subscribing and turning on the notification bell is key to not missing a thing! At first glance, it might seem like a simple gesture, but in reality, it has a significant impact on both you and the content creator. And for the channel, […]
Well, my dear friend, let me tell you a tale. Picture yourself on a long, winding road, with nothing but the sound of your own thoughts to keep you company. The sun is high in the sky, and the heat beats down upon you relentlessly. You’re thirsty, tired, and just a little bit lost. Now, […]
The youngest governor in US history is J. Caleb Boggs, who became governor of Delaware at the age of 36 in January 1949. Boggs served three non-consecutive terms as governor of Delaware and was also a US Senator and US Representative for the state. He is widely recognized for his contributions to the state of […]
Google Location History is a feature offered by Google that tracks and stores the locations of devices (such as phones) that have the feature turned on. This data is collected and saved to your Google Account, allowing you to see a visual representation of your movements over time. The information can be viewed through Google […]
David Copperfield is a well-known illusionist and magician. He was born David Seth Kotkin on September 16, 1956 in Metuchen, New Jersey. He began practicing magic at a young age and made his first professional performance at the age of 12. He later changed his name to David Copperfield as a tribute to the Charles […]
It may interest you: How many kids did cleopatra have? Cleopatra was the last pharaoh of ancient Egypt. She was a member of the Ptolemaic dynasty, a Greek family that had ruled Egypt for nearly 300 years. She came to power in 51 BC at the age of 18, following the death of her father, […]
It happened in 1966, at the Guggenheim Museum in New York City. A group of artists, sculptors and painters, publicly presented under the title The Photographic Images, the exhibition was announced with the eloquent words: «Attention, there is no camera«. And it is that they were somewhat obsessed with offering a reproduction literally identical to […]
History of the beginnings of robotics and robots In the year 1738, the first robotic pet in history, or the first automaton, appeared. It was made by Jacques de Vaucanson, who from a very young age, and despite the poverty in which he lived, surprised everyone with his creative capacity. It was so that one […]